Health Psychology, Behavioral Sciences In Public Health

Original Title: Sağlık Psikolojisi

First Edition: 2000
Edition Language: Turkish
Remzi Kitabevi Publications 285 Pages Publication Date: 04/2000
ISBN: 9789751407344

Health Psychology, Behavioral Sciences In Public Health

Contributing to the community and human values by feeling contentment with one’s own life adds to the worth of human existence. The fundamental condition for this is being healthy. There is need for a point of view encompassing all variables that affect health in order to recognise health problems and find and produce the appropriate solutions and treatment ways on an individual basis. One of these variables is health psychology.

Health psychology, using the principles of psychology to change the thoughts, attitudes and behaviours of humans on health and disease, assumes an important mission to form the foundation of all protective and developmental studies principally in the health sector and also in every area centered on human resources.

“Health Psychology”, written by Prof. Dr. Zuhal Baltaş, has reached its 5th edition. It comprises health behaviour parallel to the subject of stress, health belief models, standardisation of psychological tests, life styles, communications on health and health psychology at work. It is the first output in the subject of health psychology and the bridges it forms with medical science.


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